Awal Mulo Tok Kalo Mulo

Versi Bahasa Kelantan

Tohok kemano pong..kalu bako baik tetak jadi baik..tohok kelauk jadi pulau..tohok kedarak jadi manusio..Imej anok kelate kito keno jago..jange bui orghe pande rendoh..orghe kecek orghe putih..kito kecek orghe putih..orghe kecek prancih..kito bubuh hok mano patuk..janji bunyi serupo prancih..

Versi Bahasa Buku

Kalau baka yang baik, campak kat mana pon tetap jadi baik..campak ke laut jadi pulau..campak ke darat jadi orang..Imej anak Kelantan perlu dijaga..jangan sampai orang pandang rendah..kalau orang berbahasa Inggeris..kita berbahasa Inggeris..kalau orang berbahasa Perancis..kita hentam apa yang patut..asalkan bunyinya macam bahasa Perancis..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

1 Funny Malaysia and 1 Funny Prime Minister

For goodness sake, Mr Najib, you are getting funnier by the day. I thought only clowns are funny, they like to talk nonsense a lot to make people laugh and that’s about it, no further action required of them. Are you, Mr PM, going the way of the clown? You have control over all the print media and they are churning out a lot of glorifying news about your capabilities — 1 Malaysia Concept, New Economic Model (NEM), National Key Result Areas (NKRA), Key Performance Indicators (KPI), efficiency, excellence, meritocracy, bla bla bla — almost everyday and you still find it not sufficient? Do you really need to publish an expensive book to explain further because the public is still laughing from reading what your clown media are churning out?

What the public requires is your political will to implement the real spirit of 1 Malaysia — sense of belonging, offering equality, fairness, socio-economic justice, mutual respect to all Malaysians regardless of race or creed and stop playing the race supremacy game. We do not need any further talks or publication of books from you, just put into action what you had already preached thus far. Is it that hard to do? Stop acting like a clown and instead perform like a real prime minister which you are paid a hefty salary by the people. One of the reasons for publication of your book is “to refute the various slanders made by certain groups against the government and national leaders”. If there is any slander, why not sue those who slander you or is it the plain truth (but you termed it as slander) what these people are saying that you cannot take them to court?

Before you blame others for your own failure, please look at your own backyard. You do not have full support from your own deputy, party leaders and members while you allow The Mata Sepets to force you into retreat from implementing what you preach. As a concerned citizen who loves this country, I want to see:

A sincere PM who dares to talk and walk at the same time without any hesitation.

A prime minister with only one face who will not tolerate any kind of racist remarks or racism.

A prime minister who truly wants to fight corruption by not interfering with the work of the MACC and allowing them to report to Parliament with the power to prosecute.

A prime minister who allows freedom of speech by removing the Print and Printing Press Act and allowing peaceful rallies.

A prime minister who will not hesitate to take action against his own ministers who abuse their power, especially the Home Ministry, police and the judiciary.

A prime minister who will not allow his wife to be involved in any political agenda and avoid from showing her face in the media.

A prime minister who will select carefully his Cabinet ministers, people of integrity, honesty, capability and knowledgeable of their position.
A prime minister who will practise true democracy.

Can you act upon all the above, Mr Prime Minister?

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