The Reid Commission
‘Anti-government’ has at times been simply equated to being ‘anti-national’. In their Report, the Reid Commission (that was entrusted with the job of drafting the Merdeka Constitution) mentioned that the rights they were recommending had already been firmly established throughout Malaya and the guarantee of the fundamental rights would be provided by the mechanisms of: the Constitution being the supreme law; ‘the power and duty of the Courts to enforce these rights’; and, ‘the Courts would annul any attempt to subvert any of them whether by legislative or administrative action or otherwise’. (Can be referred at Chapter IX, Fundamental Rights: Constitutional Guarantees, Para 161 p. 70 of the Report.)
Hardial Singh Khaira, Is it the ISA per se or the Interpretations Given by the Judiciary that Makes it Such a Draconian Law Now? In his analysis of judgments related to the ISA maintains that 'not only have the Malaysian courts failed to annul the encroachments on the fundamental rights but their lack of judicial activism has in fact subverted those rights further. The failure of the Malaysian courts in relation to the ISA starts with the fact that they have generally accepted the subjective satisfaction of the executive for justifying the detention of an individual.' He further adds that the 'current approach of the Malaysian courts only serves to reduce executive accountability and respect for human rights under the rule of law.'
The first detainee was Koh pak Ngee who was the Socialist Front (SF) Assistant Secretary General, Chief Editor of NYALA, the SF Chinese language party organ, SF Parliamentary candidate for 1959 General Election. He was detained on midnight November 5th 1960. About 42 detainees had been charged under the Internal Security Act (ISA) from 1960 to 1961 and all are Chinese whom believed to be involved with CPM. After 13 years, in 1974 Anwar Ibrahim who was a student protester been detained for 20 month under the the same act. In 1987 the act started to be used again and among the detainees were Lim Kit Siang (DAP Secretary General), Chandra Muzaffar (ALIRAN President Chandra Muzaffar), Chan Kit Chee (MCA Vice President and Perak), Karpal Singh (DAP Deputy Chairman), Halim Arshat (PAS Youth Chief), Ibrahim Ali (UMNO MP for Pasir Mas), Fahmi Ibrahim (UMNO Youth Education), Dong Jiao Zhong (Chinese Education Associations), Lim Fong Seng (Chairman Chinese Education Associations), Kua Kia Soong (Publicity Chief of the Civil Rights Committee), Irene Xavier (WAO Member), Hilmy Noor (accused for disrupting the Malay culture), Abdul Rahman Ahmad (Assistant Superintendent of Police, Special Branch), Albinus Yudah (opposition party member, member of Kadazan Cultural Association), Benedict Topin (opposition party member, Executive Secretary of Kadazan Cultural Association), Damit Undikai (retired Special Branch police officer), Jeffrey Kitingan (opposition politician, director of the Institute for Development Studies), Maximus Ongkili (deputy chief director of the Institute for Development Studies), Vincent Chung (administrator, Sabah Foundation), Anwar Ibrahim (Sodomy and corruption (Deputy Prime Minister)), Yazid Sufaat(Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Suhaimi_Mokhtar (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Raja Petra Kamarudin (Blogger Of Malaysia Today), Dr Abdullah Daud (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Shamsuddin Sulaiman (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Mat Sah Mohd Satray (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist),
Abdul Murad Sudin (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Zaini Zakaria (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Zainun Rashid (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Wan Amin Wan Hamat (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Sulaiman Suramin (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Sufian Salih (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Ahmad Muaz bin Al Bakry (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Mohd Khaider Kadran (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist Leader), Hasim Talib (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist), Zakaria bin Samad (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National), Ahmad Zakaria
Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National), Terhamid bin Dahalan
(Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National), Abdul Rahman Ahmad @ Deraman Koteh (Alleged militant separatist of Thailand), Mahfudi Saifuddin (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National), Mulyadi (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National), Arifin (Jemaah Islamiyah suspected terrorist - Indonesian National), Mat Tarmizi Zakaria (Alleged Thai separatist), Lai Kin Choy (Alleged counterfeiter). The Alleged member of "Darul Islam Sabah" from Tawau - A Artas A Burhanuddin, Francis Indanan, Mohd Nazri Dollah, Mohd Arasad Patangari, Adzmi Pindatun, Idris Lanama (from Kelang), Aboud Ghafar Shahril, Jeknal Adil (stateless), Binsali Omar (Filipino with Malaysian PR), Husin Alih
(Filipino national), Yussof Mohd Salam (Filipino national), Abd Jamal Azahari (Filipino national), Pakana Selama (PR status), Kasem Dayama (Foreign national- Alleged foreign agent)
Shaykinar Guat (stateless). Argadi Andoyok (stateless), Ng How Chuang (Alleged document falsification), Ng Keat Seng (Alleged document falsification), Mohd Azuan b Aniffa (Alleged foreign agent), Mohd Faizol Shamsudin (Alleged foreign agent), Zulfikli Abu Bakar (Alleged foreign agent), Zulfikli Marzuki (Alleged JI involvement), Amir Hussain (Foreign national; Alleged document falsification), Tan Choon Chin (Alleged document falsification), Mavalavan
(Alleged foreign agent), Lian Kok Heng (Alleged foreign agent), Sundaraj Vijay (Foreign national; Alleged document falsification), San Khaing (Foreign national; Alleged document falsification)
The Hindu Rights Action Force activist (Lawyer) - K. Kengadhadran, M. Manoharan,
P. Uthayakumar, T. Vasantha Kumar and K. Ganabathi Rao. The not to make known organisation/group -Muhammad Zahid Haji Zahir Shah, Shadul Islam, Abdul Sathar Mohammad Sarjoon, Faycal Mamdouh, Mahamad Nakhrakhel, Muhammad Shuaib Hazrat Bilal, Raja Petra Kamarudin (Blogger of Malaysia Today), Tan Hoon Cheng (Journalist, Sin Chew Jit Poh), Teresa Kok Suh Sim (Member of Parliament, Seputeh), Cheng Lee Whee, (Suaram activist, Johor), Singapore Jemaah Islamiah (JI) Militant Abdul Matin Anol Rahmat, Johar Hasan, Mas Selamat Kastari(Singapore Jemaah Islamiah (JI) Leader), Mohd Nasir Ismail, Ahmad Kamil Hanafiah and Muh Amir Hanafiah.
Although the government may release detainees unconditionally, in some cases, it has required those being released to make a public confession on television and radio. The case of Raja Petra Kamarudin, a well known blogger of Malaysia Today website, detained under the Internal Security Act on 12 September 2008 and was subsequently released 56 days later, was due to the habeas corpus filed by his lawyer citing unlawful detention by the Home Ministry. The High court, on 7 November 2008, over ruled that detention and he was set free on the same day.
Awal Mulo Tok Kalo Mulo
Versi Bahasa Kelantan
Tohok kemano pong..kalu bako baik tetak jadi baik..tohok kelauk jadi pulau..tohok kedarak jadi manusio..Imej anok kelate kito keno jago..jange bui orghe pande rendoh..orghe kecek orghe putih..kito kecek orghe putih..orghe kecek prancih..kito bubuh hok mano patuk..janji bunyi serupo prancih..
Versi Bahasa Buku
Kalau baka yang baik, campak kat mana pon tetap jadi baik..campak ke laut jadi pulau..campak ke darat jadi orang..Imej anak Kelantan perlu dijaga..jangan sampai orang pandang rendah..kalau orang berbahasa Inggeris..kita berbahasa Inggeris..kalau orang berbahasa Perancis..kita hentam apa yang patut..asalkan bunyinya macam bahasa Perancis..
Tohok kemano pong..kalu bako baik tetak jadi baik..tohok kelauk jadi pulau..tohok kedarak jadi manusio..Imej anok kelate kito keno jago..jange bui orghe pande rendoh..orghe kecek orghe putih..kito kecek orghe putih..orghe kecek prancih..kito bubuh hok mano patuk..janji bunyi serupo prancih..
Versi Bahasa Buku
Kalau baka yang baik, campak kat mana pon tetap jadi baik..campak ke laut jadi pulau..campak ke darat jadi orang..Imej anak Kelantan perlu dijaga..jangan sampai orang pandang rendah..kalau orang berbahasa Inggeris..kita berbahasa Inggeris..kalau orang berbahasa Perancis..kita hentam apa yang patut..asalkan bunyinya macam bahasa Perancis..
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) (Malay: Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri) is a preventive detention law in force in Malaysia. The legislation was enacted after Malaysia gained independence from Britain in 1957. The ISA allows for detention without trial or criminal charges under limited, legally defined circumstances.
Preventive detention was first implemented in Malaya by the British in 1948 to combat the armed insurgency of the Malayan Communist Party during the Malayan Emergency. The Emergency Regulations Ordinance 1948 was enacted by the British High Commissioner Sir Edward Gent. It allowed the detention of persons for a period not exceeding one year. This ordinance targeted at acts of violence and only imposed temporary detention. The Malayan Emergency ended in 1960 and the ordinance was repealed. However, preventive detention was retained and remains a feature of Malaysian law today. In 1960, the government passed the Internal Security Act (ISA) under the authority granted by Article 149 of the Malaysian Constitution.
The stated purpose of the ISA was to deter communist activity in Malaysia during the Malayan Emergency and afterwards. The first Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, defined the purpose of the act as to "be used solely against the communists...My Cabinet colleagues and I gave a solemn promise to Parliament and the nation that the immense powers given to the government under the ISA would never be used to stifle legitimate opposition and silence lawful dissent". The third Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn, stated at the same time that his administration had enforced the act only with a view to curbing communist activity, and not to repress "lawful political opposition and democratic citizen activity".
In response to criticism that the ISA was not democratic or was too open to abuse, the first internal security minister, Ismail Abdul Rahman, stated:
“ I maintained then and I maintain now the view that the Internal Security Act is essential to the security of this country especially when democracy is interpreted the way it is interpreted in this country. To those in opposition to the government democracy is interpreted to mean absolute freedom, even the freedom to subvert the nation. When cornered by the argument that democracy in the Western sense means freedom in an ordered society and an ordered society is one in which the rule of law prevails, they seek refuge in the slogan that we should imitate Western democracy one hundred per cent. I am convinced that the Internal Security Act as practiced in Malaysia is not contrary to the fundamentals of democracy. Abuse of the Act can be prevented by vigilant public opinion via elections, a free Press and above all the Parliament. ”
The government is in the final stages of revising the Internal Security Act. Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein has stated that ISA amendments will revolve around five areas – the length of detention, rights and treatment of detainees and their families, the power of the Home Minister, the use of ISA for political reasons and detention without trial. In revising the ISA, the government met with key stakeholders to discuss amendments. Hishammuddin and Home Ministry’s officials met for about three hours with representatives from the Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Bar Council, the Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club, the National Council for Women’s Organisations and the National Civics Bureau. The Home Minister said that during the discussions, all parties agreed that there should be a law in place to protect the people against terrorism and militancy. The Law Reform Committee set up to review detentions under the Internal Security Act (ISA) has submitted its amendment proposals to the Cabinet. Parliament is expected to conclude its review of the amendments during its current sitting.
Relevant sections of the legislation are as follows:
Section 73(1) Internal Security Act 1960: "Any police officer may without warrant arrest and detain pending enquiries any person in respect of whom he has reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify his detention under section 8; and that he has acted or is about to act or is likely to act in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to maintenance of essential services therein or to the economic life thereof."
Section 8 ISA: Power to order detention or restriction of persons. "(i) If the Minister is satisfied that the detention of any person is necessary with a view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to the maintenance of essential services therein or the economic life thereof, he may make an order (hereinafter referred to as a detention order) directing that that person be detained for any period not exceeding two years."
Section 8(1) theoretically restricts detention to a period not exceeding two years but this limit is readily circumvented because under Section 8(7), the duration of the detention order may be extended indefinitely in increments of up to two years The extension of the detention order may be made on the same grounds as those on which the original order was based or on different grounds. In delivering the judgment of the Court, Steve L.K. Shim CJ (Sabah & Sarawak) in Kerajaan Malaysia & 2 Ors. v Nasharuddin bin Nasir (2003) 6 AMR 497 at page 506, ruled that the powers extended to the Home Minister are valid under the Malaysian Constitution. In addition, preventive detention is also now allowed by the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act 1985 and the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969. The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) has recently recommended that the ISA be repealed and replaced by new comprehensive legislation that, while taking a tough stand on threats to national security (including terrorism), does not violate basic human rights.
A detenu can make representations against his/her detention if an order of detention has been made against the detenu by the Minister under Section 8(1) of the ISA but under Section 73 however, the detenu seems to have no such right. Generally, the attitude of the Malaysian courts in respect of detention under Section 73 is that the courts have jurisdiction only in regard to any question on compliance with the procedural requirements of the ISA and they seldom grant any substantive rights to the detenu.
Article 151 of the Malaysian Constitution gives to any person detained without trial (under the special powers against subversion) certain administrative rights. By the terms of Article 151 the authority, on whose order a person is detained, shall, as soon as may be, inform the detainee of the grounds of detention and the allegations of fact on which the order is based. The detainee shall also be given an opportunity within three months, of making representations against the order to an Advisory Board . The Advisory Board as the name implies is not a court. Its determinations are also mere recommendations that the government is under no obligation to accept. It may also be handicapped in its deliberations by the discretionary power of the government to withhold facts, the disclosure of which would, in the executive’s opinion be against national interest.
Any person may be detained by the police for up to 60 days without trial for an act which allegedly threatens the security of the country or any part thereof. After 60 days, one may be further detained for a period of two years each, to be approved by the Minister of Home Affairs, thus permitting indefinite detention without trial. In 1989, the powers of the Minister under the legislation was made immune to judicial review by virtue of amendments to the Act, only allowing the courts to examine and review technical matters pertaining to the ISA arrest.
Preventive detention was first implemented in Malaya by the British in 1948 to combat the armed insurgency of the Malayan Communist Party during the Malayan Emergency. The Emergency Regulations Ordinance 1948 was enacted by the British High Commissioner Sir Edward Gent. It allowed the detention of persons for a period not exceeding one year. This ordinance targeted at acts of violence and only imposed temporary detention. The Malayan Emergency ended in 1960 and the ordinance was repealed. However, preventive detention was retained and remains a feature of Malaysian law today. In 1960, the government passed the Internal Security Act (ISA) under the authority granted by Article 149 of the Malaysian Constitution.
The stated purpose of the ISA was to deter communist activity in Malaysia during the Malayan Emergency and afterwards. The first Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, defined the purpose of the act as to "be used solely against the communists...My Cabinet colleagues and I gave a solemn promise to Parliament and the nation that the immense powers given to the government under the ISA would never be used to stifle legitimate opposition and silence lawful dissent". The third Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn, stated at the same time that his administration had enforced the act only with a view to curbing communist activity, and not to repress "lawful political opposition and democratic citizen activity".
In response to criticism that the ISA was not democratic or was too open to abuse, the first internal security minister, Ismail Abdul Rahman, stated:
“ I maintained then and I maintain now the view that the Internal Security Act is essential to the security of this country especially when democracy is interpreted the way it is interpreted in this country. To those in opposition to the government democracy is interpreted to mean absolute freedom, even the freedom to subvert the nation. When cornered by the argument that democracy in the Western sense means freedom in an ordered society and an ordered society is one in which the rule of law prevails, they seek refuge in the slogan that we should imitate Western democracy one hundred per cent. I am convinced that the Internal Security Act as practiced in Malaysia is not contrary to the fundamentals of democracy. Abuse of the Act can be prevented by vigilant public opinion via elections, a free Press and above all the Parliament. ”
The government is in the final stages of revising the Internal Security Act. Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein has stated that ISA amendments will revolve around five areas – the length of detention, rights and treatment of detainees and their families, the power of the Home Minister, the use of ISA for political reasons and detention without trial. In revising the ISA, the government met with key stakeholders to discuss amendments. Hishammuddin and Home Ministry’s officials met for about three hours with representatives from the Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Bar Council, the Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club, the National Council for Women’s Organisations and the National Civics Bureau. The Home Minister said that during the discussions, all parties agreed that there should be a law in place to protect the people against terrorism and militancy. The Law Reform Committee set up to review detentions under the Internal Security Act (ISA) has submitted its amendment proposals to the Cabinet. Parliament is expected to conclude its review of the amendments during its current sitting.
Relevant sections of the legislation are as follows:
Section 73(1) Internal Security Act 1960: "Any police officer may without warrant arrest and detain pending enquiries any person in respect of whom he has reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify his detention under section 8; and that he has acted or is about to act or is likely to act in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to maintenance of essential services therein or to the economic life thereof."
Section 8 ISA: Power to order detention or restriction of persons. "(i) If the Minister is satisfied that the detention of any person is necessary with a view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to the maintenance of essential services therein or the economic life thereof, he may make an order (hereinafter referred to as a detention order) directing that that person be detained for any period not exceeding two years."
Section 8(1) theoretically restricts detention to a period not exceeding two years but this limit is readily circumvented because under Section 8(7), the duration of the detention order may be extended indefinitely in increments of up to two years The extension of the detention order may be made on the same grounds as those on which the original order was based or on different grounds. In delivering the judgment of the Court, Steve L.K. Shim CJ (Sabah & Sarawak) in Kerajaan Malaysia & 2 Ors. v Nasharuddin bin Nasir (2003) 6 AMR 497 at page 506, ruled that the powers extended to the Home Minister are valid under the Malaysian Constitution. In addition, preventive detention is also now allowed by the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act 1985 and the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969. The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) has recently recommended that the ISA be repealed and replaced by new comprehensive legislation that, while taking a tough stand on threats to national security (including terrorism), does not violate basic human rights.
A detenu can make representations against his/her detention if an order of detention has been made against the detenu by the Minister under Section 8(1) of the ISA but under Section 73 however, the detenu seems to have no such right. Generally, the attitude of the Malaysian courts in respect of detention under Section 73 is that the courts have jurisdiction only in regard to any question on compliance with the procedural requirements of the ISA and they seldom grant any substantive rights to the detenu.
Article 151 of the Malaysian Constitution gives to any person detained without trial (under the special powers against subversion) certain administrative rights. By the terms of Article 151 the authority, on whose order a person is detained, shall, as soon as may be, inform the detainee of the grounds of detention and the allegations of fact on which the order is based. The detainee shall also be given an opportunity within three months, of making representations against the order to an Advisory Board . The Advisory Board as the name implies is not a court. Its determinations are also mere recommendations that the government is under no obligation to accept. It may also be handicapped in its deliberations by the discretionary power of the government to withhold facts, the disclosure of which would, in the executive’s opinion be against national interest.
Any person may be detained by the police for up to 60 days without trial for an act which allegedly threatens the security of the country or any part thereof. After 60 days, one may be further detained for a period of two years each, to be approved by the Minister of Home Affairs, thus permitting indefinite detention without trial. In 1989, the powers of the Minister under the legislation was made immune to judicial review by virtue of amendments to the Act, only allowing the courts to examine and review technical matters pertaining to the ISA arrest.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tun Dr M said that Barisan Nasional (BN) will not give more political power to the Chinese until the Malays expand their economic stake in the country where he once preached unity under Bangsa Malaysia. He also said that PAS is wooing the Chinese just for votes to gain power, adding that “hypocrisy is very much alive in Malaysian politics”. Writing in his popular blog last night, Dr M said he had to give the true reasons for the lack of Chinese in high posts after being “startled” by criticisms from an ex-lawmaker about the issue at a recent gathering. He believes that in the political field, the Malays appear to be in control. Most of the high posts i.e. PM, MB etc are held by the Malays. If these posts are held by the Chinese, then not only will the economy be under Chinese control but the political arena would also be under the Chinese. “What will be the Malay stake in the country?”
Noting that the New Economic Policy (NEP) had “been on now for almost 40 years, far longer than originally planned,” he said, “Admittedly the Malays had been at fault because they did not make correct use of the opportunities created for them in the NEP. “ “But whatever the reason, the Malays have not gained for themselves the 30 per cent target in corporate ownership even. But more than that if a proper audit is made their wealth is even less than 30 per cent of total wealth of the people of Malaysia. “Most of the wealth of the country belongs to the Chinese. It can also be said that the Chinese control the economy of the country,” he stressed. Dr M added that “the NEP is about giving the Malays a fair stake in the economy of the country. Should they get this then they should be ready to relinquish a commensurate amount of control in the political field.” “Since they have not gained a fair share in the economy, then they should be allowed to retain this greater share in politics,” he reasoned.
His latest diatribe is a contrast to 1991 when he launched his “Vision 2020” for a developed Malaysia with the hope for a Bangsa Malaysia regardless of race. The country’s longest-serving premier also answered the question about PAS appearing accomodating to Chinese religious practises. “If PAS appears to be more accommodating of Chinese religious practices, it is simply because it wants Chinese votes. Remember at one time PAS condemned Umno for having MCA as a partner. Now PAS is willing to accept DAP as a partner. It is political hypocrisy, not sincere partnership. “I am talking about racial issues simply because my questioner raised racial issues,” he added. The veteran politician also dismissed the BN’s poor showing in Election 2008 as the consequence of Malaysians being “sick of racial parties and racial politics.” “I doubt it. Since 2008 there have been more talks about race than previously. And my questioner has illustrated this amply. Race is still very clearly an issue in Malaysian politics. “If PAS is extremely supportive of the Chinese today, it is not because the party has become disaffected with race and religion. It is simply because it wants to play up Chinese racial sentiments in order to win Chinese votes and he concluded “Hypocrisy is very much alive in Malaysian politics.”.
Tun Dr M recently said Malaysians did not understand Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1 Malaysia, a concept to unite all races behind the government in the aftermath of BN’s dismal electoral outing in 2008. But BN’s political foe Pakatan Rakyat (PR) had said 1 Malaysia had failed and pointed to their own efforts to unite Malaysians with more places for non-Malay politicians, adding it should be on merit and not race.
Noting that the New Economic Policy (NEP) had “been on now for almost 40 years, far longer than originally planned,” he said, “Admittedly the Malays had been at fault because they did not make correct use of the opportunities created for them in the NEP. “ “But whatever the reason, the Malays have not gained for themselves the 30 per cent target in corporate ownership even. But more than that if a proper audit is made their wealth is even less than 30 per cent of total wealth of the people of Malaysia. “Most of the wealth of the country belongs to the Chinese. It can also be said that the Chinese control the economy of the country,” he stressed. Dr M added that “the NEP is about giving the Malays a fair stake in the economy of the country. Should they get this then they should be ready to relinquish a commensurate amount of control in the political field.” “Since they have not gained a fair share in the economy, then they should be allowed to retain this greater share in politics,” he reasoned.
His latest diatribe is a contrast to 1991 when he launched his “Vision 2020” for a developed Malaysia with the hope for a Bangsa Malaysia regardless of race. The country’s longest-serving premier also answered the question about PAS appearing accomodating to Chinese religious practises. “If PAS appears to be more accommodating of Chinese religious practices, it is simply because it wants Chinese votes. Remember at one time PAS condemned Umno for having MCA as a partner. Now PAS is willing to accept DAP as a partner. It is political hypocrisy, not sincere partnership. “I am talking about racial issues simply because my questioner raised racial issues,” he added. The veteran politician also dismissed the BN’s poor showing in Election 2008 as the consequence of Malaysians being “sick of racial parties and racial politics.” “I doubt it. Since 2008 there have been more talks about race than previously. And my questioner has illustrated this amply. Race is still very clearly an issue in Malaysian politics. “If PAS is extremely supportive of the Chinese today, it is not because the party has become disaffected with race and religion. It is simply because it wants to play up Chinese racial sentiments in order to win Chinese votes and he concluded “Hypocrisy is very much alive in Malaysian politics.”.
Tun Dr M recently said Malaysians did not understand Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1 Malaysia, a concept to unite all races behind the government in the aftermath of BN’s dismal electoral outing in 2008. But BN’s political foe Pakatan Rakyat (PR) had said 1 Malaysia had failed and pointed to their own efforts to unite Malaysians with more places for non-Malay politicians, adding it should be on merit and not race.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sedaknyo Bule Poso

Nak-nak kali bule poso, ambo teringak sokmo ko kapong ambo. Buke teringak ko gewe, tapi teringak ko suasano bule poso, lebih-lebih lagi di Pasar Ramadhan, ohhhh sedak kelih weiiii kue-kue dio, ado mace-mace jenih. Ado Rhodok, ado Taik Itik, ado Nekbak, ado Tiri Mandi, ado Jalo Mah, ado aye percik. Pendek kato nok make gapo dio ado jua belako, mok nga pok jah tak dok. Hok tu lah skali skalo bilo teringak ko bule poso kalu buleh nok cuti sebule nok dok kapong. Ho lah kito dok di perantauan ni nok make-makene hok sedak-sedak beloh luar ni dio tok jua, kalu ado pong raso dio tok sedak apah, tawar lembar.
Ambo buke nok puji, sepanje 22 tahong ambo merantau nih, makene Kelate tok leh nok kato gapo, meme sedak. Ambo pernoh maso dok di Filipina mulo, wak kerabu sarek nga nasi kerabu, tengok pok-pok Filipina, Amereka, Bruna make cemo-cemo, dio kato sedak, “sea weeds” ataupon sarek orghe Kelate panggil, padahal di Filipina ni hok segar lagi muroh pulok tu, tapi nok buak guano mugo demo tok panda nok make. Ambo ejah ko pok-pok dio ike pangge tawar cicoh pulok nga budu, dio kato makene Malaysia sedak. Tu ambo kato ko pok-pok Filipina, buke makane Malaysia tapi makane Kelate, origina Kelate. Banggo ambo jadi Anok Kelate.
Mudoh-mudohe bule poso ni ambo berkesempate balik Koto Bharu, raso nok make Rojok jawo weiiii..
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Renungan Bersama
Hadis diriwayatkan oleh al-lmam Muslim dengan lafaz ini. Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. daripada Nabi SAW, Baginda telah bersabda: Barangsiapa yang melepaskan seorang mukmin daripada satu kesusahan daripada kesusahan-kesusahan dunia, nescaya Allah akan melepaskannya daripada satu kesusahan daripada kesusahan-kesusahan Qiamat. Barangsiapa yang mempermudahkan bagi orang susah, nescaya Allah akan mempermudahkan baginya di dunia dan di akhirat. Barangsiapa yang menutup ke'aiban seorang muslim, nescaya Allah akan menutup ke'aibannya di dunia dan akhirat. Allah sentiasa bersedia menolong hambaNya selagi mana dia suka menolong saudaranya. Barangsiapa yang melalui suatu jalan untuk menuntut ilmu, nescaya Allah akan mempermudahkan baginya suatu jalan menuju ke syurga. Sesuatu kaum tidak berkumpul di salah sebuah rumah-rumah Allah (iaitu masjid) sambil mereka membaca Kitab Allah dan mengkajinya sesama mereka melainkan suasana ketenangan akan turun ke atas mereka, rahmat akan melitupi mereka dan mereka akan di kelilingi oleh para malaikat dan Allah akan menyebut (perihal) mereka kepada orang-orang yang berada di sisiNya. Barangsiapa yang terlambat amalannya, nescaya nasab keturunannya tidak mampu mempercepatkannya.
Pengajaran hadis:
(1) lslam adalah agama tolong menolong, bantu membantu dan saling memperkuat antara satu sama lain. Faktor inilah merupakan teras kekuatan umat lslam dan rahsia besar kegemilangan tamadun lslam yang silam.
(2) lslam menggalakkan umatnya agar selalu melepaskan saudaranya yang dalam kesempitan dunia, yang berada dalam kesusahan hidup dan melindunginya serta memelihara ke'aibannya daripada disebarluaskan di kalangan manusia. Semua perbuatan tersebut dijanjikan Allah balasan yang setara dan setimpal dengan perbuatannya.
(3) Allah akan sentiasa menolong hamba-hambaNya selagimana mereka suka tolong menolong sesama mereka.
(4) llmu adalah cahaya menuju ke syurga. Barangsiapa yang menuntut ilmu, dengan niat ikhlas, Allah menjanjikan baginya kemudahan menuju jalan ke syurga.
(5) Berkumpul dan mengkaji al-Qur'an dan ilmu di masjid adalah antara amalan yang amat diberkati Allah. Para malaikat turun mengelingi mereka, ketenangan dan rahmat menyelubungi mereka. Mereka mendapat penghormatan agung dari Allah SWT apabila Dia menyebut nama mereka kepada para penghuni langit.
(6) Sesungguhnya manusia dimuliakan dan memasuki syurga dengan amalannya dan rahmat Allah, bukannya dengan keturunan. Barangsiapa yang amalannya kurang dan atau amalan jahatnya menyusahkannya di akhirat nanti, nasab keturunan kebangsawanannya tidak mampu sama sekali memberi syafa'at kepadanya. Secara tidak langsung hadis ini menggesa umat lslam agar berbekal dengan amalan soleh untuk menghadapi hari akhirat nanti..Sesungguhnya aku mencari DUNIA dan AKHIRAT serentak…..
Pengajaran hadis:
(1) lslam adalah agama tolong menolong, bantu membantu dan saling memperkuat antara satu sama lain. Faktor inilah merupakan teras kekuatan umat lslam dan rahsia besar kegemilangan tamadun lslam yang silam.
(2) lslam menggalakkan umatnya agar selalu melepaskan saudaranya yang dalam kesempitan dunia, yang berada dalam kesusahan hidup dan melindunginya serta memelihara ke'aibannya daripada disebarluaskan di kalangan manusia. Semua perbuatan tersebut dijanjikan Allah balasan yang setara dan setimpal dengan perbuatannya.
(3) Allah akan sentiasa menolong hamba-hambaNya selagimana mereka suka tolong menolong sesama mereka.
(4) llmu adalah cahaya menuju ke syurga. Barangsiapa yang menuntut ilmu, dengan niat ikhlas, Allah menjanjikan baginya kemudahan menuju jalan ke syurga.
(5) Berkumpul dan mengkaji al-Qur'an dan ilmu di masjid adalah antara amalan yang amat diberkati Allah. Para malaikat turun mengelingi mereka, ketenangan dan rahmat menyelubungi mereka. Mereka mendapat penghormatan agung dari Allah SWT apabila Dia menyebut nama mereka kepada para penghuni langit.
(6) Sesungguhnya manusia dimuliakan dan memasuki syurga dengan amalannya dan rahmat Allah, bukannya dengan keturunan. Barangsiapa yang amalannya kurang dan atau amalan jahatnya menyusahkannya di akhirat nanti, nasab keturunan kebangsawanannya tidak mampu sama sekali memberi syafa'at kepadanya. Secara tidak langsung hadis ini menggesa umat lslam agar berbekal dengan amalan soleh untuk menghadapi hari akhirat nanti..Sesungguhnya aku mencari DUNIA dan AKHIRAT serentak…..
Monday, August 9, 2010
Diantara kelebihan puasa yang besar ialah terampun dosa-dosa yang lalu.
Sabda Nabi SAW:
عن أبى هريرة قال :من صام رمضان وقامه إيمانا واحتسابا غفرله ما تقدم من ذنبه,ومن قام ليلة القدر إيمانا واحتسابا غفرله ما تقدم من ذنبه
Maksudnya: Daripada Abi Hurairah R.anhu berkata: Barangsiapa yang berpuasa dibulan ramadhan dan mendirikannya (iaitu berjaga malam dengan mengerjakan ibadah)dengan percaya dan menuntut pahala, maka diampunkan dosanya yang terdahulu. Barangsiapa yang bangun dimalam lailatul qadar (dengan melakukan ibadah) dengan percaya dan menuntut pahala, maka diampunkan dosanya yang terdahulu.
Telah disebut oleh ulama’-ulama’ tentang rahsia puasa, iaitu :
1.Sedikitkan makan dan minum, disamping itu ia dapat mengurangkan diri dari kelazatan disebabkan kekuatan yang cenderung kepada kelazatan tadi telah lemah.
2. Berperangai dengan perangai orang yang beriman.
3. Membiasakan dirinya sabar dan tetap hati diatas penderitaan menahan diri dari mengerjakan perkara yang dikeji oleh syara’.
4.Mengingatkan hamba kepada kehinaan dan kemiskinan diri, kerana orang yang sedang berpuasa aka nada perasaan berhajat kepada makanan, minuman dan berhajat kepada perkara yang keji.
5. Memelihara diri daripada melakukan dosa.
6.Orang-orang kaya menolong orang-orang miskin dengan memberi bantuan kepada mereka.
7. Menerangkan hati dan menajamkan fikiran.Kerana Sabda Nabi SAW:
من جاع بطنه عظمت فكرته وفطن قلبه
Maksudnya: Barangsiapa yang lapar perutnya besarlah fikirnya dan teranglah hatinya.
Berkata Luqmanul Hakim kepada anak-anaknya:
يا بنى إذا امتلأت المعدة نامت الفكرة وخرست الحكمة المدرك بهما لذة
المناجات والتأثربالذكر
Maksudnya:Wahai anakku, apabila perut dipenuhi dengan makanan dan cukup kenyangnya, nescaya gelaplah fikirannya dan tulilah hikmahnya,dan anggota menjadi malas untuk melakukan ibadah, maka kebersihan hati dan kehalusan fikiran itu menjadikan seseorang itu nikmat melakukan ibadat dan memberi kesan dari zikir.
Sabda Nabi SAW:
عن أبى هريرة قال :من صام رمضان وقامه إيمانا واحتسابا غفرله ما تقدم من ذنبه,ومن قام ليلة القدر إيمانا واحتسابا غفرله ما تقدم من ذنبه
Maksudnya: Daripada Abi Hurairah R.anhu berkata: Barangsiapa yang berpuasa dibulan ramadhan dan mendirikannya (iaitu berjaga malam dengan mengerjakan ibadah)dengan percaya dan menuntut pahala, maka diampunkan dosanya yang terdahulu. Barangsiapa yang bangun dimalam lailatul qadar (dengan melakukan ibadah) dengan percaya dan menuntut pahala, maka diampunkan dosanya yang terdahulu.
Telah disebut oleh ulama’-ulama’ tentang rahsia puasa, iaitu :
1.Sedikitkan makan dan minum, disamping itu ia dapat mengurangkan diri dari kelazatan disebabkan kekuatan yang cenderung kepada kelazatan tadi telah lemah.
2. Berperangai dengan perangai orang yang beriman.
3. Membiasakan dirinya sabar dan tetap hati diatas penderitaan menahan diri dari mengerjakan perkara yang dikeji oleh syara’.
4.Mengingatkan hamba kepada kehinaan dan kemiskinan diri, kerana orang yang sedang berpuasa aka nada perasaan berhajat kepada makanan, minuman dan berhajat kepada perkara yang keji.
5. Memelihara diri daripada melakukan dosa.
6.Orang-orang kaya menolong orang-orang miskin dengan memberi bantuan kepada mereka.
7. Menerangkan hati dan menajamkan fikiran.Kerana Sabda Nabi SAW:
من جاع بطنه عظمت فكرته وفطن قلبه
Maksudnya: Barangsiapa yang lapar perutnya besarlah fikirnya dan teranglah hatinya.
Berkata Luqmanul Hakim kepada anak-anaknya:
يا بنى إذا امتلأت المعدة نامت الفكرة وخرست الحكمة المدرك بهما لذة
المناجات والتأثربالذكر
Maksudnya:Wahai anakku, apabila perut dipenuhi dengan makanan dan cukup kenyangnya, nescaya gelaplah fikirannya dan tulilah hikmahnya,dan anggota menjadi malas untuk melakukan ibadah, maka kebersihan hati dan kehalusan fikiran itu menjadikan seseorang itu nikmat melakukan ibadat dan memberi kesan dari zikir.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Kisah Lima Perkara Aneh
Abu Laits as-Samarqandi adalah seorang ahli fiqh yang masyur. Pernah di suatu ketika beliau berkata, “Ayahku menceritakan bahawa antara Nabi-nabi yang bukan Rasul ada menerima wahyu dalam bentuk mimpi dan ada yang hanya mendengar suara. Maka salah seorang Nabi yang menerima wahyu melalui mimpi itu, pada suatu malam bermimpi diperintahkan yang berbunyi, "Esok engkau dikehendaki keluar dari rumah pada waktu pagi menghala ke barat. Engkau dikehendaki berbuat; Pertama; apa yang engkau lihat (hadapi) maka makanlah. Kedua; engkau sembunyikan. Ketiga; engkau terimalah. Keempat; jangan engkau putuskan harapan, dan yang kelima; larilah engkau daripadanya."
Pada keesokan harinya, Nabi itu pun keluar dari rumahnya menuju ke barat dan kebetulan yang pertama dihadapinya ialah sebuah bukit besar berwarna hitam. Nabi itu kebingungan sambil berkata, "Aku diperintahkan memakan pertama aku hadapi, tapi sungguh aneh sesuatu yang mustahil yang tidak dapat dilaksanakan." Maka Nabi itu terus berjalan menuju ke bukit itu dengan hasrat untuk memakannya. Ketika dia menghampirinya, tiba-tiba bukit itu mengecilkan diri sehingga menjadi sebesar buku roti. Maka Nabi itu pun mengambilnya lalu disuapkan ke mulutnya. Bila ditelan terasa sungguh manis bagaikan madu. Dia pun mengucapkan syukur 'Alhamdulillah'.
Kemudian Nabi itu meneruskan perjalanannya lalu bertemu pula dengan sebuah mangkuk emas. Dia teringat akan arahan mimpinya supaya disembunyikan, lantas Nabi itu pun menggali sebuah lubang lalu ditanamkan mangkuk emas itu, kemudian ditinggalkannya. Tiba-tiba mangkuk emas itu terkeluar semula. Nabi itu pun menanamkannya semula sehingga tiga kali berturut-turut. Maka berkatalah Nabi itu, "Aku telah melaksanakan perintahmu." Lalu dia pun meneruskan perjalanannya tanpa disedari oleh Nabi itu yang mangkuk emas itu terkeluar semula dari tempat ia ditanam.
Ketika dia sedang berjalan, tiba-tiba dia ternampak seekor burung helang sedang mengejar seekor burung kecil. Kemudian terdengarlah burung kecil itu berkata, "Wahai Nabi Allah, tolonglah aku." Mendengar rayuan burung itu, hatinya merasa simpati lalu dia pun mengambil burung itu dan dimasukkan ke dalam bajunya. Melihatkan keadaan itu, lantas burung helang itu pun datang menghampiri Nabi itu sambil berkata, "Wahai Nabi Allah, aku sangat lapar dan aku mengejar burung itu sejak pagi tadi. Oleh itu janganlah engkau patahkan harapanku dari rezekiku." Nabi itu teringatkan pesanan arahan dalam mimpinya yang keempat, iaitu tidak boleh putuskan harapan. Dia menjadi kebingungan untuk menyelesaikan perkara itu. Akhirnya dia membuat keputusan untuk mengambil pedangnya lalu memotong sedikit daging pehanya dan diberikan kepada helang itu.
Setelah mendapat daging itu, helang pun terbang dan burung kecil tadi dilepaskan dari dalam bajunya. Selepas kejadian itu, Nabi meneruskan perjalannya. Tidak lama kemudian dia bertemu dengan satu bangkai yang amat busuk baunya, maka dia pun bergegas lari dari situ kerana tidak tahan menghidu bau yang menyakitkan hidungnya. Setelah menemui kelima-lima peristiwa itu, maka kembalilah Nabi ke rumahnya. Pada malam itu, Nabi pun berdoa. Dalam doanya dia berkata, "Ya Allah, aku telah pun melaksanakan perintah-Mu sebagaimana yang diberitahu di dalam mimpiku, maka jelaskanlah kepadaku erti semuanya ini."
Dalam mimpi beliau telah diberitahu oleh Allah s.w.t. bahawa, "Yang pertama engkau makan itu ialah marah. Pada mulanya nampak besar seperti bukit tetapi pada akhirnya jika bersabar dan dapat mengawal serta menahannya, maka marah itu pun akan menjadi lebih manis daripada madu. Kedua semua amal kebaikan (budi), walaupun disembunyikan, maka ia tetap akan nampak jua. Ketiga jika sudah menerima amanah seseorang, maka janganlah kamu khianat kepadanya. Keempat jika orang meminta kepadamu, maka usahakanlah untuknya demi membantu kepadanya meskipun kau sendiri berhajat. Kelima bau yang busuk itu ialah ghibah (menceritakan hal seseorang). Maka larilah dari orang-orang yang sedang duduk berkumpul membuat ghibah."
Saudara-saudaraku, kelima-lima kisah ini hendaklah kita semaikan dalam diri kita, sebab kelima-lima perkara ini sentiasa sahaja berlaku dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Perkara yang tidak dapat kita elakkan setiap hari ialah mengata hal orang, memang menjadi tabiat seseorang itu suka mengata hal orang lain. Haruslah kita ingat bahawa kata-mengata hal seseorang itu akan menghilangkan pahala kita, sebab ada sebuah hadis mengatakan di akhirat nanti ada seorang hamba Allah akan terkejut melihat pahala yang tidak pernah dikerjakannya. Lalu dia bertanya, "Wahai Allah, sesungguhnya pahala yang Kamu berikan ini tidak pernah aku kerjakan di dunia dulu." Maka berkata Allah s.w.t., "Ini adalah pahala orang yang mengata-ngata tentang dirimu." Dengan ini haruslah kita sedar bahawa walaupun apa yang kita kata itu memang benar, tetapi kata-mengata itu akan merugikan diri kita sendiri. Oleh kerana itu, hendaklah kita jangan mengata hal orang walaupun ia benar.
Pada keesokan harinya, Nabi itu pun keluar dari rumahnya menuju ke barat dan kebetulan yang pertama dihadapinya ialah sebuah bukit besar berwarna hitam. Nabi itu kebingungan sambil berkata, "Aku diperintahkan memakan pertama aku hadapi, tapi sungguh aneh sesuatu yang mustahil yang tidak dapat dilaksanakan." Maka Nabi itu terus berjalan menuju ke bukit itu dengan hasrat untuk memakannya. Ketika dia menghampirinya, tiba-tiba bukit itu mengecilkan diri sehingga menjadi sebesar buku roti. Maka Nabi itu pun mengambilnya lalu disuapkan ke mulutnya. Bila ditelan terasa sungguh manis bagaikan madu. Dia pun mengucapkan syukur 'Alhamdulillah'.
Kemudian Nabi itu meneruskan perjalanannya lalu bertemu pula dengan sebuah mangkuk emas. Dia teringat akan arahan mimpinya supaya disembunyikan, lantas Nabi itu pun menggali sebuah lubang lalu ditanamkan mangkuk emas itu, kemudian ditinggalkannya. Tiba-tiba mangkuk emas itu terkeluar semula. Nabi itu pun menanamkannya semula sehingga tiga kali berturut-turut. Maka berkatalah Nabi itu, "Aku telah melaksanakan perintahmu." Lalu dia pun meneruskan perjalanannya tanpa disedari oleh Nabi itu yang mangkuk emas itu terkeluar semula dari tempat ia ditanam.
Ketika dia sedang berjalan, tiba-tiba dia ternampak seekor burung helang sedang mengejar seekor burung kecil. Kemudian terdengarlah burung kecil itu berkata, "Wahai Nabi Allah, tolonglah aku." Mendengar rayuan burung itu, hatinya merasa simpati lalu dia pun mengambil burung itu dan dimasukkan ke dalam bajunya. Melihatkan keadaan itu, lantas burung helang itu pun datang menghampiri Nabi itu sambil berkata, "Wahai Nabi Allah, aku sangat lapar dan aku mengejar burung itu sejak pagi tadi. Oleh itu janganlah engkau patahkan harapanku dari rezekiku." Nabi itu teringatkan pesanan arahan dalam mimpinya yang keempat, iaitu tidak boleh putuskan harapan. Dia menjadi kebingungan untuk menyelesaikan perkara itu. Akhirnya dia membuat keputusan untuk mengambil pedangnya lalu memotong sedikit daging pehanya dan diberikan kepada helang itu.
Setelah mendapat daging itu, helang pun terbang dan burung kecil tadi dilepaskan dari dalam bajunya. Selepas kejadian itu, Nabi meneruskan perjalannya. Tidak lama kemudian dia bertemu dengan satu bangkai yang amat busuk baunya, maka dia pun bergegas lari dari situ kerana tidak tahan menghidu bau yang menyakitkan hidungnya. Setelah menemui kelima-lima peristiwa itu, maka kembalilah Nabi ke rumahnya. Pada malam itu, Nabi pun berdoa. Dalam doanya dia berkata, "Ya Allah, aku telah pun melaksanakan perintah-Mu sebagaimana yang diberitahu di dalam mimpiku, maka jelaskanlah kepadaku erti semuanya ini."
Dalam mimpi beliau telah diberitahu oleh Allah s.w.t. bahawa, "Yang pertama engkau makan itu ialah marah. Pada mulanya nampak besar seperti bukit tetapi pada akhirnya jika bersabar dan dapat mengawal serta menahannya, maka marah itu pun akan menjadi lebih manis daripada madu. Kedua semua amal kebaikan (budi), walaupun disembunyikan, maka ia tetap akan nampak jua. Ketiga jika sudah menerima amanah seseorang, maka janganlah kamu khianat kepadanya. Keempat jika orang meminta kepadamu, maka usahakanlah untuknya demi membantu kepadanya meskipun kau sendiri berhajat. Kelima bau yang busuk itu ialah ghibah (menceritakan hal seseorang). Maka larilah dari orang-orang yang sedang duduk berkumpul membuat ghibah."
Saudara-saudaraku, kelima-lima kisah ini hendaklah kita semaikan dalam diri kita, sebab kelima-lima perkara ini sentiasa sahaja berlaku dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Perkara yang tidak dapat kita elakkan setiap hari ialah mengata hal orang, memang menjadi tabiat seseorang itu suka mengata hal orang lain. Haruslah kita ingat bahawa kata-mengata hal seseorang itu akan menghilangkan pahala kita, sebab ada sebuah hadis mengatakan di akhirat nanti ada seorang hamba Allah akan terkejut melihat pahala yang tidak pernah dikerjakannya. Lalu dia bertanya, "Wahai Allah, sesungguhnya pahala yang Kamu berikan ini tidak pernah aku kerjakan di dunia dulu." Maka berkata Allah s.w.t., "Ini adalah pahala orang yang mengata-ngata tentang dirimu." Dengan ini haruslah kita sedar bahawa walaupun apa yang kita kata itu memang benar, tetapi kata-mengata itu akan merugikan diri kita sendiri. Oleh kerana itu, hendaklah kita jangan mengata hal orang walaupun ia benar.
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