Tatkala kita masih lagi bersedih dengan apa yang menimpa saudara kita di Lebanon, persiapan untuk menyambut hari kemerdekaan Malaysia ke-49 sedang giat dijalankan. Kempen mengibarkan Jalur Gemilang setiap hari ke udara di kaca televisyen. Beberapa orang Menteri pula ’terpaksa’ turun padang untuk memeriahkan lagi suasana sambutan yang dari setahun ke setahun dilihat semakin tidak mendapat perhatian rakyat Malaysia. Jika dulu rakyat secara sukarela mengibarkan bendera Malaysia setiap kali masuk bulan kemerdekaan, tetapi sekarang rakyat harus ’dipaksa’ untuk berbuat demikian. Jika dulu Jalur Gemilang kelihatan terpacak di cermin hadapan hampir setiap kenderaan, sekarang ini bilangan yang berbuat demikian boleh dikira dengan jari. Yang masih ’setia’ mengibarkannya hingga sekarang hanyalah pejabat-pejabat kerajaan, itupun ’atas arahan’. Minggu depan, upacara rutin gilang gemilang akan disambut dengan penuh kemeriahan oleh golongan-golongan tertentu, yang majoritinya adalah dari kalangan umat Islam.
Di dalam suasana menyambut 31 Ogos ini, pihak pemerintah berputih mata cuba menanamkan rasa bangga di kalangan rakyat Malaysia dengan kemerdekaan yang telah diberikan oleh British ini. Walaupun memang terdapat segelintir rakyat yang betul-betul bangga dengan kebebasan yang telah dikecapi, namun sebahagian besar rakyat nampaknya mesti ’dipaksa’ untuk berbangga dengan kemerdekaan yang diperolehi. Seperti biasa, media massa merupakan alat yang cukup efektif untuk memainkan peranan penting ini. Sautun Nahdhah kali ini akan mengupas samada umat Islam patut merasa bangga dengan sebuah kemerdekaan yang telah ’dihadiahkan’ oleh British ini sedangkan umat Islam di seluruh dunia masih berada di dalam perpecahan dan kehinaan, hasil dari pemerintahan sekular yang diwarisi dari penjajah kufur Barat. SN juga akan membincangkan apakah makna sebenar ’kemerdekaan’ bagi umat Islam, tanpa mengira di negara manakah mereka berada.
Apa yang Hendak Dibanggakan?
Seperti tahun-tahun yang telah berlalu, sambutan kemerdekaan tahun ini sekali lagi diraikan dalam suasana negara yang masih berhadapan dengan pelbagai masalah. Kes-kes jenayah terutama penyalahgunaan dadah semakin menjadi-jadi. Kes-kes dadah yang pada mulanya hanya merosakkan generasi muda, kini telah menular menjadi satu ancaman kepada seluruh masyarakat dengan munculnya dadah baru seperti syabu. Ia dikatakan lebih merbahaya kerana menyebabkan penagih hilang pertimbangan dan mengalami halusinasi yang seterusnya menyebabkan penagih menyerang orang-orang di sekelilingnya. Lebih mendukacitakan, kebanyakan penagih terdiri dari golongan muda yang beragama Islam. Selain itu, kes murtad turut menghangatkan Negara dengan angka yang begitu mengerikan. Banggakah kita menyambut kemerdekaan dengan fenomena sebegini? Jika diteliti dengan mendalam, kebanyakan umat Islam di Malaysia sebenarnya sejak era penjajahan hingga sekarang, hidup dalam suasana yang amat menyedihkan. Semasa pemerintahan British, umat Islam ketika itu terpaksa menanggung tekanan kedaifan hidup disebabkan oleh kekayaan negara yang disedut sehabis-habisnya oleh si kafir penjajah. Kebencian dan kejahatan British kepada umat Islam begitu terserlah di mana kaum Muslimin betul-betul diatur oleh British agar terus berada di dalam kemunduran dan kehinaan. British pada waktu itu melaksanakan satu sistem yang dikenali sebagai ’pecah dan perintah’ (divide and rule) menyaksikan umat Islam dipinggirkan, ditempatkan di kampung-kampung, dibiarkan, didiskriminasi dari segi peluang pekerjaan dan sebagainya. Sebaliknya orang bukan Islam diberi penempatan di bandar-bandar dan diberi peluang pekerjaan yang lebih baik. Namun demikian, dalam masa yang sama, British melatih dan menanamkan kepada umat Islam rasa ’sayang dan hormat’ kepada mereka. Sesiapa yang ingin berkhidmat dengan tentera British akan ’dimuliakan’ oleh mereka dan ’dijaga’ dengan baik. Sesiapa yang taat kepada British, khasnya para pemimpin yang menyanjung tinggi nilai-nilai mereka, akan dilayan dan diberi kedudukan istimewa. Keadaan umat Islam di Tanah Melayu, khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi ketika itu sangat mundur berbanding dengan kaum-kaum lain. Menurut perkiraan kasar, penjajah membolot 60% daripada kekayaan Negara sementara yang baki dimiliki oleh bukan Islam. Manakala orang-orang Melayu-Islam hanya memegang 1% sahaja daripada kekayaan ekonomi negara. Di bandar-bandar pula, biasanya tidak ada satu kedai pun yang dimiliki oleh orang Islam. Semua perniagaan dimiliki dan diusahakan oleh orang bukan Islam, khasnya kaum Cina. Golongan pekerja, selain daripada pemandu kereta dan budak pejabat, semuanya terdiri daripada bukan Islam. Majoriti orang Melayu-Islam menjadi penanam padi atau nelayan kecil dengan pendapatan yang amat rendah sekali. Umat Islam yang tidak bekerjasama dengan British rata-rata menderita di bumi sendiri. Inilah keadaan ayah-ayah, ibuibu dan datuk nenek kita dahulu. Apakah keadaan itu telah benar-benar terhapus ketika ini? Jika difikirkan sedalam-dalamnya, umat Islam sebenarnya sedang melalui proses penderitaan yang hampir sama dengan apa yang dialami oleh generasi terdahulu, malah lebih buruk lagi. Umat Islam sekarang menjadi hamba kepada hawa nafsu dan menjadi hamba kepada taghut. Sejak penjajahan, umat Islam tidak lagi bangkit dan tidak pernah merdeka dari ideologi hidup yang telah ditanam oleh British. Jika dulu umat Islam ’bekerja untuk hidup’ dengan jalan yang diredhai oleh Allah, tetapi setelah kedatangan British, apatah lagi sekarang, umat Islam ’hidup untuk bekerja’, mencari kekayaan dunia tanpa menghiraukan lagi untuk apakah Allah menghidupkan dia di dunia ini. Masa dan tenaga betul-betul dimanfaatkan untuk mencari kekayaan duniawi, sehingga tiada masa diperuntukkan untuk Islam. Jika dulu manusia berhukum dengan hukum dari Allah, tetapi setelah penjajahan British, manusia berhukum dengan hukum dari British. Inilah antara ideologi kufur Kapitalis yang dibawa dan ditinggalkan oleh British dansedang diamalkan oleh negara-negara umat Islam ketika ini. Banggakah kita dengan hukum kufur yang masih mendominasi kehidupan kita hari ini?
Awal Mulo Tok Kalo Mulo
Versi Bahasa Kelantan
Tohok kemano pong..kalu bako baik tetak jadi baik..tohok kelauk jadi pulau..tohok kedarak jadi manusio..Imej anok kelate kito keno jago..jange bui orghe pande rendoh..orghe kecek orghe putih..kito kecek orghe putih..orghe kecek prancih..kito bubuh hok mano patuk..janji bunyi serupo prancih..
Versi Bahasa Buku
Kalau baka yang baik, campak kat mana pon tetap jadi baik..campak ke laut jadi pulau..campak ke darat jadi orang..Imej anak Kelantan perlu dijaga..jangan sampai orang pandang rendah..kalau orang berbahasa Inggeris..kita berbahasa Inggeris..kalau orang berbahasa Perancis..kita hentam apa yang patut..asalkan bunyinya macam bahasa Perancis..
Tohok kemano pong..kalu bako baik tetak jadi baik..tohok kelauk jadi pulau..tohok kedarak jadi manusio..Imej anok kelate kito keno jago..jange bui orghe pande rendoh..orghe kecek orghe putih..kito kecek orghe putih..orghe kecek prancih..kito bubuh hok mano patuk..janji bunyi serupo prancih..
Versi Bahasa Buku
Kalau baka yang baik, campak kat mana pon tetap jadi baik..campak ke laut jadi pulau..campak ke darat jadi orang..Imej anak Kelantan perlu dijaga..jangan sampai orang pandang rendah..kalau orang berbahasa Inggeris..kita berbahasa Inggeris..kalau orang berbahasa Perancis..kita hentam apa yang patut..asalkan bunyinya macam bahasa Perancis..
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Kalau Dah Mangkuk Tetap Mangkuk

Nih nak habaq maiii Khairi....pirahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....kamu memang tak layak nak pegang jawatan apa pon Khairi weh...cerdik tak bertempat, bodoh tak boleh diajar, tak ubah macam lembu mekah... Cukup-cukuplah, jagalah sikit aib Pak Mertua kamu tu, disebabkan orang menyampah ngan kamulah maka Pak Mertua kamu yang tak berdosa dapat bala yang sama...
Ni nasihat aku yang kurang mahir dalam politik, kalau kamu nak tengok UMNO terpacak berdiri dalam PRU 13, tolonglah.....elakkan muka kamu ngan Kak Ros dari keluar TV ke, akhbar ke, apa sajalah...kalau kamu tak ikut nasihat ni..kamu tunggulah jawapannya...makan pasirlah UMNO jawabnya... Korang Berdua Kalau Dah Mangkuk Tetap Mangkuk...kamu paham tak?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The 13th general election is coming. Logically it has to come by March 2013. Yes, logically it is coming. When will it come, and indeed will it ever become a reality? That is a question plaguing a difficult nation. Since becoming PM, Najib Abdul Razak should have been keen to seek a new mandate from the people. Is he a leader by popular choice, or does he reign by a borrowed mandate, and an unconvincing one at that? For Najib, unlike the more civil Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, it is not elections which he is looking forward to, but how to secure victory by hook or by crook, or indeed how he can remain at the top in a reasonably legitimate way. Over the few months that he is a leader, the term 'legitimate' has become so indeterminate. To go for all-out elections is suicidal, at least for the near future, for Najib's administration. That Najib himself knows very well. Out of the eleven by-elections the nation has seen since March 2008, BN only managed to secure only three wins, namely in Batang Ai, Bagan Pinang and controversially in Hulu Selangor. The latest BN loss in Sibu sent shivers through Najib's camp; has the tsunami actually reached the East Malaysian coast?
These were indeed bad omens for BN – and the nation. Najib is a fighter, one who does not shy away from street fighting. He is a new breed of BN leader, one that BN desperately needs to win back the loss former PM Badawi seemed so willingly accepted (for which the latter has been punished). That Perak was won back amidst legal controversies is one of Najib's signatures. He never keeps it a secret that Selangor should also be won back at any price, and his army is working on it. Najib's strategy leading to the 13GE seems to be that the bottom line is BN stays at Putrajaya in the aftermath, whatever it takes. His armies of the Special Branch, police, EC, BN machinery are all hard at work to ensure that. The signs that come from the ground seem to be that a victory will not come easily for BN. Najib has then to look for another way, and that is the unfortunate course for the nation. Malaysia has not known, barring the dark days of May 13, 1969, a violent confrontation between her various races and religions. Indeed the people of Malaysia have learnt that they have to live with each other and even generally agreed that plurality is a blessing, not a curse. The vast majority of the Malaysians seem to be rational enough to avoid the racialist path to solving problems. That is not to say there has not been violent outbursts, but the latter seem isolated and readily resolved.
Therefore, the events of the past months just do not tally with the prevalent trend. Everywhere suddenly one sees signs of intolerance. There was the event of the cow head in Selangor and the desecration of churches. Now one sees headmasters or principals, one after another, hurling racist remarks. The episode of the Friday sermon in Penang is another point in case. The latest was the Surau in Seremban. One cannot help but pondering whether the nation is spiraling towards anarchy … All these point to some sinister forces at work, with a common objective - to poison the atmosphere on the road to 13GE. That they are widely-reported by the main media shows someone wants it to prove a point. (It has been an open secret that the mainstream media exercises self-censorship and sometimes with advice from the power-that-be, and 'sensitive' news, which may give negative perceptions about the country, do not easily get reported).
Another sad thing is that the police seem quite incapable to prevent these incidents, and even more impotent in determining the culprits. We are talking here about the same police which had so efficiently quelled street demonstrations and stopped opposition ceramah. Finally, the response from the BN leaders have been wanting, and unbecoming, of a legitimate power. All these are indeed bad omens for the nation. Unless the authority takes serious step to preempt further such incidents while bringing the culprits behind previous ones to book and punish them heavily, one cannot help but to conclude that we are witnessing is anarchy – planned anarchy, perhaps, because that is the only way BN can remain in power post-13GE.
These were indeed bad omens for BN – and the nation. Najib is a fighter, one who does not shy away from street fighting. He is a new breed of BN leader, one that BN desperately needs to win back the loss former PM Badawi seemed so willingly accepted (for which the latter has been punished). That Perak was won back amidst legal controversies is one of Najib's signatures. He never keeps it a secret that Selangor should also be won back at any price, and his army is working on it. Najib's strategy leading to the 13GE seems to be that the bottom line is BN stays at Putrajaya in the aftermath, whatever it takes. His armies of the Special Branch, police, EC, BN machinery are all hard at work to ensure that. The signs that come from the ground seem to be that a victory will not come easily for BN. Najib has then to look for another way, and that is the unfortunate course for the nation. Malaysia has not known, barring the dark days of May 13, 1969, a violent confrontation between her various races and religions. Indeed the people of Malaysia have learnt that they have to live with each other and even generally agreed that plurality is a blessing, not a curse. The vast majority of the Malaysians seem to be rational enough to avoid the racialist path to solving problems. That is not to say there has not been violent outbursts, but the latter seem isolated and readily resolved.
Therefore, the events of the past months just do not tally with the prevalent trend. Everywhere suddenly one sees signs of intolerance. There was the event of the cow head in Selangor and the desecration of churches. Now one sees headmasters or principals, one after another, hurling racist remarks. The episode of the Friday sermon in Penang is another point in case. The latest was the Surau in Seremban. One cannot help but pondering whether the nation is spiraling towards anarchy … All these point to some sinister forces at work, with a common objective - to poison the atmosphere on the road to 13GE. That they are widely-reported by the main media shows someone wants it to prove a point. (It has been an open secret that the mainstream media exercises self-censorship and sometimes with advice from the power-that-be, and 'sensitive' news, which may give negative perceptions about the country, do not easily get reported).
Another sad thing is that the police seem quite incapable to prevent these incidents, and even more impotent in determining the culprits. We are talking here about the same police which had so efficiently quelled street demonstrations and stopped opposition ceramah. Finally, the response from the BN leaders have been wanting, and unbecoming, of a legitimate power. All these are indeed bad omens for the nation. Unless the authority takes serious step to preempt further such incidents while bringing the culprits behind previous ones to book and punish them heavily, one cannot help but to conclude that we are witnessing is anarchy – planned anarchy, perhaps, because that is the only way BN can remain in power post-13GE.
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